
Issue installing cPanel on Almalinux at OVH and Hetzner

Issue installing cPanel on Almalinux at OVH and Hetzner

Many server administators are facing an issue installing cPanel on Almalinux at OVH and Hetzner dedicated servers. We don’t know when they will fix this error. Hetzner says “Unfortunately, investigation is still ongoing. Challenges have arisen, extending the problem’s duration.”.

This issue comes due to network connectivity problems, so Hetzner temporarily disabled support the installation of Alma Linux with cPanel.

Some professional figured out a solution for this issue, it may solve the problem, but we don’t know if it solve it correctly.

What Professional Say about Issue Installing cPanel on Almalinux at OVH and Hetzner:

This probably has nothing to do with the kernel.

The problem is with the network configuration.

Cpanel uses networkd for network settings, some servers of ovh and hetzner take ip distribution via DHCP. There are some incompatibilities between DHCP and networkd service. NetworkManager is required for it to work smoothly with DHCP. When the server operating system is installed, it comes with NetworkManager, when you install cpanel, the cpanel setup agent closes NetworkManager and activates networkd. When you restart the server, the server cannot get ip over DHCP and there is an access problem.

We’ve had this problem on many servers set up via ovh and hetzner automation. After the cpanel installation is complete, run the systemctl enable NetworkManager.service and systemctl disable network.service commands and restart the server. The networkd service will be disabled at startup and the Network.Manager service will run. In this way, your server will start pinging by taking ip over DHCP.

So the temporary solution for issue installing cPanel on Almalinux at OVH and Hetzner is to run the following code after installing cPanel and before rebooting the server:

systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
systemctl disable network.service

Then restart the server. The server will start pinging by taking ip over DHCP.

Based on some people replies in some servers solution forums, this solution will fix the problem and they was very happy with it.

Important Note:

After you restart the server and is start pinging, you should make the core runs automatically when the server restart again.

You can run the commands automatically at startup by adding them to /etc/rc.local.

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